Mandar Oak
by Mandar Oak
1 min read


If you are between 19-28 read this:

  1. People in the past should remain in the past. Focus on forming value-adding relationships and networks in the present.

  2. Surround yourself with problem solvers rather than complainers. This is the only way to grow.

  3. Being comfortable is the worst thing you can do to yourself. Adjust to chaos if you want to achieve big things.

  4. Know that you can’t please everyone. Just be clear about what you want and forget about what others think of it.

  5. You’ll come across a bunch of temporary people and each of them is going to teach you worthy life lessons.

  6. Wanting a good lifestyle for yourself is not a bad thing. Never be ashamed of owning up your dreams.

  7. No matter what, remember that you are still young and can change your career the day you want to.

  8. The hardest thing to earn is trust. If you focus on building trust, you’ll never run out of opportunities.

  9. Don’t feel guilty if you can’t balance everything in life. A 50-50 balance is a myth when you are obsessed with your mission.

  10. You need to master communication skills. Getting what you want gets easier when you convey it well to yourself and others.

  11. What matters is not that you make the best efforts but that you make them daily. That is the only thing that shows results.

  12. Everything gets boring after a certain point. What matters is how you find interesting ways of doing it everyday.

  13. You’ll stop growing the day you think you know everything about your industry. The road to stagnancy is “I know everything”.

  14. Find people who are as excited about an idea as you are. Otherwise, they’ll make the journey worse for you.

15.Feeling that you don’t belong somewhere is the best thing that can happen to you. This means you can finally know what your true passion is

16.Looking for external validation is the worst thing you can do to yourself. If you know deep inside that you are meant for it you are.

  1. How successful you are depends on how much your words and actions match. Big words mean nothing if you can’t take actions.

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