Mandar Oak
by Mandar Oak
3 min read


Step (think) outside the box.

There’s a reason why so many people say this.

But have you considered the lesson behind this phrase?

I’ll break it down… Here’s what I have:

I recently wrote a thread where I mentioned breaking through the barriers of society.

When I began to see the system and the “hidden” information, I began to realize my potential.

Now, I see more on the topic, and I realize the potential of others.

Seeing the system.

Let’s start at the beginning.

In school, we are taught to get good grades so that we can go to college and get a job.

I’m not hating on it, but this way isn’t for everyone.

Many people struggle through the school system, and they aren’t given a good chance.

If you don’t get good grades, you are most likely left with regret and few choices.

But if you succeed to make it through high school or college, most people have years of debt to pay off.

These occurrences make this path long and difficult to keep with.

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”

-Albert Einstein

This quote resonates with me, and I think many people could learn from this.

Everyone has different skills and ideas.

The main journey of life is to realize them.

Knowing who you are in this moment allows you to find the path best for you.

One of the major issues that I have with schools is that they often don’t realize potential.

It feels rigid and unsupportive of ideas.

It is left up to the student to find what they will be.

And when the options are provided, they are limited to jobs and careers.

Searching for your vision and your dreams is likely going to be more of a solo adventure.

Build your circle of friends for support, but often you need to go it alone.

Let’s get back on track.

So far, I’ve talked about the system, realizing your potential, and choosing your path.

But there’s one more big lesson…

Almost done with this thread, and I may nerd out a little.

I have been reading a book on philosophy, and my brain has been on fire.

The whole idea with philosophy is that you try to make sense of the world and look at it in a different way.

Translation is: “love of wisdom”

Philosophers take the universe and try to put words to the madness.

Not only this, but they take past ideas and break them down to build their own.

They think outside the rules and regulations, and they are punished for it.

But guess what, they changed the world.

The barriers of modern thinking are different, and there are now a lot of options.

Take a step out of the system and realize your potential.

Find your path through the many options that often aren’t revealed.

Build your ideas, break down past ideas, and grow new opportunities.

That’s all I have for now, thank you so much for reading.

Know that the ideas that I mentioned here are my own opinions and takes that I have stumbled upon.


Make sure to build your ideas and beliefs.

Be a filter, not a net.

One more thing I’d like to add…

It depends.

What works for you depends on your circumstances, upbringing, and so much more.

Take all advice as it is; something that worked for someone else or that someone believes.

Their advice may not work for you.

@threadreaderapp unroll <div class='jekyll-twitter-plugin'><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">One more thing I’d like to add…

It depends.

What works for you depends on your circumstances, upbringing, and so much more.

Take all advice as it is; something that worked for someone else or that someone believes.

Their advice may not work for you.</p>— Larson (@Larson_Initiate) August 16, 2022</blockquote>
