10 life lessons from Bhagawad Gita that everyone should know about: A [Thread]
1/ Money mind cannot meditate
Meditation is helpful for our inner peace, also known as ‘sadhna’.
If you keep thinking about money all the time, you cannot engage in meditation.
2/ Progress and development are the rules of this universe
Things and surroundings change.
We should never expect people, society, or surroundings to stay the same.
3/ Faith can move mountains
People who believe in themselves have the power to conquer the world.
True growth comes from experiencing the gamut of emotions without abandoning the faith.
4/ Power of a Mentor
“Tell me I forget; teach me I remember”
Having a mentor is like having a right path.
5/ Focus on Work, not result
In Gita, the term “Nishkama Karma” is used.
Meaning, do your deeds without caring about the result.
Key to living a happier life.
6/ Commitment to the pursuit of knowledge
To assimilate our own knowledge, we have to master our senses.
A mind awakened to the serene joys of the self, will makes us a perfect human being.
7/ Refrain from criticism
When you speak ill of others or of yourself, you create a negative vibe all around you.
Criticism deprives us of the opportunity for self-reflection.
8/ Human life is full of battles
Fear and expectations cause restrictions and limitations.
Keep exploring, experimenting, but DO NO give in fear.
9/ Whatever has happened, happen for a reason
There is meaning and reason behind every failure, win, love, happiness, success, pain and joy.
The reason is often to make you a better person.
10/ Change is permanent
The only constant truth of life is change.
Things change. People change Life change. Surroundings change.
Nothing stays the same.
P.S. I have not yet completed the Bhagawad Gita. I am halfway through.
Will write a Part 2 of the same once I complete the book.
For now, these are the 10 learnings I came across and thought of sharing the same.
@threadreaderapp unroll <div class='jekyll-twitter-plugin'><blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">P.S. I have not yet completed the Bhagawad Gita. I am halfway through.
Will write a Part 2 of the same once I complete the book.
For now, these are the 10 learnings I came across and thought of sharing the same.</p>— Shweta Kukreja (@ShwetaKukreja_) August 10, 2022</blockquote>